Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Port From COM To ORG - Leave All Calculations For Nickzom

There is this unique web application online - that solves calculations and shows the steps for easy comprehension.

The good thing about this website is that you do not have to care whether what you want it to solve is already embedded in it or not.
Once you create an account and log in to the website all you have to do is check for what you want to be solved for you which can be anything. It must not be educational.

If it is not there, just contact the developer, Idoko Nicholas Chinazom and tell him what you want and it would be programmed for you and only you immediately.

Nickzom is building a base where anybody can just get answers and steps to any calculation problem he or she is facing within seconds.

All you have to do is register and start living life easy and smooth.

Visit now

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Linear Programming | Minimization | N Problem Variables | M Inequalities

Hi Nickzomies, For my users requesting for solutions to the minimization of a number of problem variables and a number of inequalities of there choice, whether it is 2 by 3, 2 by 4, 2 by 5, 3 by 3, 3 by 4 etc. 
As long as it is a minimization linear programming problem that can be carried out by using simplex method, its web application is now available at Nickzom.

This wonderful web application is here to stay forever.
You can make good use of it by clicking on this web address -

Linear Programming | Maximization | N Problem Variables | M Inequalities

Hi Nickzomies, For my people requesting for solutions to the maximization of a number of problem variables and a number of inequalities of there choice, whether it is 2 by 3, 2 by 4, 2 by 5, 3 by 3, 3 by 4 etc.
As long as it is a maximization linear programming problem that can be carried out by using simplex method, its web application is now available at Nickzom.

This wonderful web application is here to stay forever.

You can make good use of it by clicking on this web address -

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Linear Programming | Maximization | Two Problem Variables

Wadup Nickzomies, Idoko Nicholas Chinazom AKA Nickzom is at it again, making the impossible possible. Nickzom has moved into the higher stakes, the bigger problems. At this point in time, Nickzom is happy to announce to the whole wide world its intro web application into linear programming.

Nickzom can now solve the maximization in linear programming that has no artificial variable using simplex method with two problem variables having two inequalities.

As always, Nickzom does not fall hands when coding its web application. It is highly accurate and effective showing also the steps. In fact, It teaches its solution in a very very comprehensive manner.

Check It Out By Clicking


Friday, 25 September 2015

Laplace Tranform

Nickzom is here with the following operations under laplace transform:

1.    Laplace Transform of a Single Expression
2.    First Shift Theorem
3.    Multiplying f(t) by t
4.    Dividing f(t) by t

You can view this web application by clicking laplace transform

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Integration By Parts

Nickzom can now perform integration by parts of this form


With full steps functionalities

Click Here To View This Web Application

Friday, 28 August 2015

Integral Of The Form | Integration

Wadup Nickzomies, Two new mini web applications has been successfully integrated into the integration web application that could handle the integration of a function of the form f'(x)/f(x) and f(x)f'(x).

Access this two mini web applications - Integral of the Form

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Functions of a Linear Function of x | Integration

Nickzom presents to you a great mini web application that handles the functions of a linear function of x under integration.

Access This Web Application - Functions of a Linear Function of x | Integration

Monday, 24 August 2015

Integration | Calculus

At this point, Nickzom is cooking up a new web application - Integration under Calculus.
Right now, the Nickzom has:

1.    Integral | Standard Table
2.    Integral of Power of x
3.    Integration of Polynomials
4.    Functions of a Linear Function of x - Still Under Construction

You can visit this web application - Integration

Quotient Rule | Differentiation

Nickzom is up and running as always with a new mini web application under differentiation that handles quotient rule. It is highly efficient, accurate and effective.

You can visit this web app - Quotient Rule

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Nickzom | Product Rule

Nickzom is back with a nice additional web application in differentiation - Product Rule

Here is the link to the web application - Product Rule

Friday, 17 July 2015

Nickzom | Function Of A Function | Part 2

Wadup Nickzomies,
   Nickzom has successfully added more functions to its "function of a function" differentiation mini web app. Nickzom can now calculate problems on sin(expression), cos(expression), tan(expression), sinh(expression), cosh(expression), cot(expression), cosec(expression), e^(expression), a^(expression), In(expression) and log(expression).
Never forget we always show the steps.

Click here to familiarize with the web app


Thursday, 16 July 2015

Nickzom Calculates Function Of A Function ! Part 1

Hello Nickzomies,
   You can now solve calculus differentiation problem of an expression raised to a power using function of a function at Nickzom for free with a step by step presentation of the answer.

Click here to see the added web app


Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Nickzom Calculates Differentiation of Polynomials

Wadup Nickzomies,
   I am moving gradually over to the big leagues. I started coding calculus web app today and I came up with just four sections, expect more and more to come up daily. As of now, one can calculate the gradient of a straight line, derivative of power of x and differentiation of polynomials with the answer effectively shown.
   I also arranged a table of standard derivatives for references.

click here to see my work


Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Nickzom Calculates Polynomials

lol! It has been a while Nickzomies, I developed a web app that can solve polynomials (cubic and quartic) with every step. It also displays the correct arrangement of the various long division operations carried out.

You need not have to worry about polynomial calculations again because there is a web app for you that can do it all and show you how it is done!

Click here to send you directly to the web app


Friday, 19 June 2015

Introducing: NICKZOM - The World of Calculations

Have you ever needed to compute a mathematical equation quickly online only to find no website available to aid you? Look no further, NICKZOM is here to stay.

NICKZOM [] is an absolutely free calculation-based website capable of solving both simple and complex equations, in a twinkle of an eye. And here's something better:

Every step taken in solving the equation is presented simply for easy comprehension of the user. NICKZOM [] doesn't just dump the answers at your feet. Isn't that amazing?

Site Layout/Content:
At the moment, NICKZOM [] classifies all operations under four main divisions:

*Mathematics: Including Permutations, Binomial series, Algebraic identities etc.

*Engineering: Including Basic Electronics, Mechanics, etc.

*Physics: Vector Resultant, Projectiles, Wave-Particle Behavior.

*Switches: Temperature, Base and Co-ordinate Switches.

How to Carry out an Operation:

Carrying out an operation in Nickzom is so easy, that almost everyone can do it. All you need to have are the values for all the equation variables involved in the equation. For example, to calculate the Time of flight at maximum height of a projectile,

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Nickzom Update

There is a website that thrills the minds of Scientists, Engineers and Mathematicians in the whole world.
NICKZOM ----- THE WORLD OF CALCULATIONS! is the website for you all to visit and enjoy when it comes to solving all your calculation problems.
It solves problems for you with a step by step approach in Mathematics, Physics, Engineering and Switches/Converters and a lot more to come.
Mathematics contains a lot of contents you can view them at
Physics also at
Engineering at
Switches/Converters at
I promise you that you are getting to know the NUMBER ONE online calculation web application software in the WHOLE WORLD.
Please Share This To Your Friends!!!

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Nickzom solves Complex Number Problems with the Steps too.

Nickzom Empire has just introduced complex number problem's solution to the whole world. You can now relax and input your values and get your answer with the steps in less than a second. 
Remember that if you have anything to be added for you, you just have to comment about it and it would be done immediately.

You can now solve your complex number problems by clicking here.



Nickzom Solves Binomial Series Problems With Steps Too

Cool!!! Nickzom Empire is gradually rising. Today the whole world must know that Nickzom can now solve problems on Binomial Series for you. If there is anything you want to be added for you can also add them on the comments column or click Comment on Mathematics.

You can carry out any operation on Binomial Series by clicking here.



Sunday, 1 March 2015

What Nickzom Does

Nickzom is a free calculation-based empire that helps you to carry out your simple or difficult calculations on Mathematics, Physics, Engineering and Switches based on its available contents and at the same time laying out the solution(s) and steps for quick and easy understanding.

The goal of this site is to provide you with solutions and steps to your calculations available within the site's contents.

In Engineering, Nickzom covers:

Basic Electrical
Basic Electronics
Linear Algebra

There are so many other sub topics in this major topics. For Example in Linear Algebra, Nickzom can calculate Matrix Arithmetic, Inverse of a Matrix, Determinant of a Matrix, Transpose of a matrix, Adjoint of a matrix, Minors and Cofactors of a matrix. It can also solve simultaneous equation using matrix method. Not only that in matrix arithmetic, one can perform any of this operation: Addition and Subtraction of a matrix, Multiplication of matrices, Multiplication of a matrix by a scalar, Division of a matrix.

In Mathematics, Nickzom covers with there are many sub topics under too:

Algebraic Identities
Arithmetic Progression
Compound Interest
Cosine Rule
Geometric Progression
Latitude and Longitude
Linear Equation
Partial Fraction
Permutation and Combination
Pythagoras Theorem
Quadratic Equation
Simple Interest
Simultaneous Equation   
Sine Rule
Tangent Rule

For Example: In Statistics, Nickzom can perform operations with discrete data with and without frequencies and continuous data. Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion and other measures such as Skewness (Karl Pearson's, Quartile and Kelly), Kurtosis, Moment, Correlation and Regression.

In Physics, Nickzom covers:

Electric Field
Energy Quantization    
Equilibrium Of Forces
Gas Laws    
Gravitational Field    
Heat Energy
Magnetic Field
Simple A.C. Circuit    
Wave-Particle Behaviour    
Work, Energy and Power

For Example: In Motion, Nickzom can handle finding all the parameters of the first four equations of motion and other parameters such as reaction, time, frequency, angular velocity, angular displacement etc.

In Switches, Nickzom covers:

Temperature Switches
Base Switches
Coordinates Switches

For Example: In Coordinate Switches, Nickzom can handle Cartesian to polar, Cartesian to Cylindrical, Cartesian to Spherical and In Base Switches, Nickzom can handle Binary to Decimal, Octal to Binary etc.

Once you sign up, you can comment on any Mathematics, Physics, Engineering or Switches Problem you want to be added for you and within an interval of 24 hours it would be done.

Have fun getting your calculation solutions and steps online by just keying in the values

To access this website visit